How to create alerts for Azure service health notifications

Shachindra Yadav
4 min readMay 9, 2020

Azure offers a suite of experiences to keep you informed about the health of your cloud resources. This information includes current and upcoming issues such as service impacting events, planned maintenance, and other changes that may affect your availability.

In this article, I will describe how to set up an alert for the azure service health notifications by using Azure portal.

You can receive an alert when Azure sends service health notifications to your Azure subscription. Such alerts can be configure based on:

1- The class of service status messages

a) Service Issues

b) Planned maintenance

c) Health Advisories

d) Security Advisories

2- The subscription affected.

3- The service(s) affected.

4- The region (s) affected, where workloads are running

Pre-Requisite- When you go to start, be ready with following information-

a) Active Subscription

b) Resource Group

c) Existing Action Groups or Create New one

So Let’s create an Alert and new action group in Azure Portal-

1- In the portal, select Service Health .

Service Health(1.0)

2- In the Alerts section, select Health Alerts.

Health Alerts(1.1)

3- Select Create Service status alert and fill in the fields.

Create Service Health Alert (1.2)

4- Select the Target subscription, Services and regions for which you want to be notified.

Create Rule(1.3)

5- Select the event types for which you want to receive a warning:

a) Service Issues

b) Planned maintenance

c) Health Advisories

d) Security Advisories

6-. Create a new action group by selecting Create as highlighted in below image.

Action Group Create (1.4)

7- Next you to do as-

a) Enter a name in the Action group name box,

b) Enter a name in the short name box . The short name is referenced in the notifications sent when this alert is triggered.

c) Select the subscription name

d) Select the resource group where you want to save the warning.

Add Action Group(1.5)

8- Define a list of recipients by providing the recipient within the actions field.

Action & Action Type(1.6)

a) Name : Enter the recipient’s name, alias, or ID.

b) Action type : Select SMS, email, webhook, Azure app and more.

c) Details : Enter a phone number, email address, webhook URI, and so on based on the action type chosen and click on OK

9- Next, Define your Alert details by entering a name and Description for the alert rule, select resource group and select “enable rule upon creation” as Yes.

Alert Details(1.7)

10- Select Create alert rule to create alert and enable notification.

Create Alert Rule(1.8)

Now that’s all you need to do to create an alert. Within a few minutes, the alert will functional and starts to search logs based on the conditions we specified when creating.

Conclusion- I hope this article will give some easy to perform steps to create azure service health notification. You can use above steps in your azure environment to configure and enable alert notifications for the selected type of resources to get notify whenever something goes wrong in azure platform.✔



Shachindra Yadav

I, Shachindra Yadav, am love to write blogs in my free time at and Open community platforms.