Git merge conflict issue, How to resolve conflict in Git merge?

Shachindra Yadav
1 min readNov 8, 2020

Git merge often you do and face conflict issue while doing git merge. Of course, it is possible to face such issue that is Git merge conflict, right? So how to resolve this in production or staging environment ?

Don’t worry, I will show you “How to resolve git merge conflict issue”. Even Git gives a hint to resolve conflicts issue in its error message. It shows Merge conflict in [filename], so you know there is a problem with that file. Then it refers to fix conflicts and then commit the result,

Am I Right? So if you follow instructions, do edit the file, then commit it, everything should work fine. But let’s see this in an example.

Git Merge Conflict Example-

Let’s create a new Git repo, add a file, do git merge, create new branch, create some conflicting edits to produce real scenario and see how it looks like and fix it.

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Shachindra Yadav

I, Shachindra Yadav, am love to write blogs in my free time at and Open community platforms.